New scholarship will support students and honor a longtime LGBTQIA+ champion
June 23, 2021
The Dorothy Fillmore Scholarship will help VCU students actively engaged with the LGBTQIA+ community who face housing instability, food insecurity, tuition issues or other financial hurdles.
Want better sleep? Less fast food and screen time, and more physical activity may be key.
June 22, 2021
A new study led by VCU researchers sheds light on lifestyle factors associated with healthy and unhealthy sleep.
What was COVID-19’s impact on mental health, well-being and substance use early in the pandemic?
June 2, 2021
Research shows that those with a history of adverse childhood experiences were more likely to bear a heavier burden during the pandemic’s initial surge.
$2M grant to support programs for elementary school students at risk of social, behavioral, and emotional problems
May 28, 2021
The award, from the Institute of Education Sciences, will fund a four-year project co-led by researchers from VCU and the University of Minnesota.
Joseph Porter, a ‘dedicated scientist’ and psychology professor, retires after 46 years
May 19, 2021
He built his first lab at VCU with his own hands and taught thousands of students at the university. And his research broke ground in the understanding of antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs.
The transition out of COVID may be stressful, too
May 17, 2021
We might experience stress and anxiety as society gradually opens back up and we reemerge from our bubbles. VCU psychology professor Michael Southam-Gerow says there are ways to cope.
Class of 2021: Alexia Brown is on a mission to learn – and make the world a better place
May 6, 2021
“I want something that’s going to make me want to get up in the morning, no matter how exhausted I am, with an energy that says, ‘I gotta go. I gotta go do my work.’ … There’s so much work to do.”
VCU professor to explore ‘emotional code switching’ among African American youth
May 5, 2021
Psychology professor Fantasy Lozada received an NSF CAREER award to study emotion regulatory flexibility among African American youth, which helps them to protect against racism.
Class of 2021: Problem solver Carlos David Jimenez Morales wants to make an impact on health care
May 5, 2021
Later this month, he will become the first graduate of VCU’s Graduate Certificate in Health Care Innovation program.
Real research: Future nurse finds rewards in research’s potential to better understand others
April 27, 2021
Nayab Mughal has been involved in three studies, giving her the chance to learn how the pandemic has affected the experiences of both pregnant and hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients.